Exile, which displaces bodies and so many other things with them, is paradoxical, both loss and liberation, between pain and emancipation.

For those who experience it, crossing physical frontiers also means crossing language barriers. The shift from one language to another is a double exile, especially if the original language or languages cannot be shared. Speaking in the other's language means putting yourself at a distance, elsewhere and in a different way.

Exile and the shift in language, or the way of speaking it, can be a challenge for artists and their production, as their interests, practices, mediums and modes of expression are, consciously or unconsciously, altered. Their artistic language restructures and renews itself. Sometimes de-territorialisation can even foster unsuspected artistic vocations.

For its third edition (1st-30th Nov 2019), Visions of exile chooses to take up the issue of language, placing it in relation to exile and artistic creation in its most diverse forms.


Let’s open ourselves to new languages!


Judith Depaule and Ariel Cypel


For more information please visit: http://visionsexil.aa-e.org/en/