International Summer School
Performing Arts and Migration. Theories and Practices for Inclusive Cities
June 09-14 | Arena del Sole Theatre, BolognaThe cultural association Maison Ventidue opens the doors of L'Appartamento to artists, curators, critics and researchers.
Closing of the call for proposals on February 25th.The Peng! Collective presented the video “Fluchthelfer.in Become an Escape Agent” at Manifesta 12 in Palermo. It was the result of a Campaign launched to help refugees cross the internal EU borders.Golden Lion for Best National Participation - Lithuanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale | Sun & Sea (Marina) - Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė, Lina Lapelytė
Commissioner: Rasa Antanavičıūte, Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts. Curator: Lucia Pietroiusti. May 11–October 31, 2019 From the suburbs to the coastline, Prouvost experiences and represents via a multitude of media (from singing and speech to dance and magic) the possibility of building a system where discrepancies are nothing but opportunities of sharing.A series of online talks, lectures and meetings streamed on Facebook and Youtube Channels featuring international scholars, curators and artists, in the frame of Atlas of Transitions Biennale 2020.