Peter Hanenberg
The Director of CECC, Professor Peter Hanenberg, presented 4Cs at CARE - CAtólica REsearch -, Campus UCP Foz, in Oporto. The IX Lisbon Summer School will critically consider the developments of the Neurohumanities in the past decades and question its immediate and future challenges and opportunities. On May 21, 2019, from 6.30 p.m. onwards, CECC - Research Centre for Communication and Culture will be debating experiences, fears and hopes concerning Europe, bringing in perspectives from very different angles and backgrounds through the voices of several of our PhD Students. The moderation will be led by the Director of CECC, Peter Hanenberg.The X Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture, under the topic “Ecoculture”, intends to reflect on the interrelation between culture and the environment, to examine the growing awareness of the negative impact of human activities and to discuss the necessity to rethink, reconceptualize and redefine the relationship between humans and the non-human world.XI Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture - Convivial Cultures CfP - Proposals should be sent no later than March 21st 2021.III CARE | CARE - Beyond COVID | The 4Cs Project contributed with the presentation "4+4 proposals for (ex)change and capacity building during a pandemic".